Master Key systems are used to allow and restrict access of different areas within a building to different people using a minimum of keys. It is particularly useful in any place that is frequented by a variety of people with varying levels of responsibility.
We have expertise to assist you with the design and planning of your Master key System.
Followed up by our supply and installation service we can assure you that we provide you with a system to suit each individual requirement.
Our after sales service can include key management, key audits and a rapid replacement service for spare keys or damaged locks.
Some of our customers would include Schools, Apartments, and Hospitals, Factories, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast accommodation & sheltered housing.
Keyed to differ ( KD )
Is as standard where a lock is operated by its own individual key
Keyed a like ( KA )
This is where a number of locks can be “Keyed a like” so that the one key operates all the locks in a suite.
Master Keying this is a term generally used to identify any system of locks which establishes a hierarchy of access. Each lock would have its own individual user key, while all locks in the suite can be operated by an over all master key .
Grand Master Keying
This is where a master key system is sub divided to allow for sub master keys to operate a selection of locks within the suite.
Applications would include Schools, Apartments, Hospitals, Factories, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast accommodation & sheltered housing etc
When considering a master key system, we would advise use a key which is Restricted Key as this gives you full control over key holders and who has keys to the property.